useCounterCustom hook that manages a counter with increment, decrement, reset, and setCount functionalities.
useDebounceValueCustom hook that returns a debounced version of the provided value, along with a function to update it.
useEventListenerCustom hook that attaches event listeners to DOM elements, the window, or media query lists.
useIntersectionObserverCustom hook that tracks the intersection of a DOM element with its containing element or the viewport using the `Intersection Observer API`.
useIntervalCustom hook that creates an interval that invokes a callback function at a specified delay using the `setInterval API`.
useIsomorphicLayoutEffectCustom hook that uses either `useLayoutEffect` or `useEffect` based on the environment (client-side or server-side).
useReadLocalStorageCustom hook that reads a value from `localStorage`, closely related to `useLocalStorage()`.
useSessionStorageCustom hook that uses the `sessionStorage API` to persist state across page reloads.
useTernaryDarkModeCustom hook that manages ternary (system, dark, light) dark mode with local storage support.