Custom hook that creates a debounced version of a callback function.
import { useState } from 'react'
import { useDebounceCallback } from 'vhooks'
export default function Component() {
const [value, setValue] = useState('')
const debounced = useDebounceCallback(setValue, 500)
return (
<p>Debounced value: {value}</p>
onChange={event => debounced(}
pnpm dlx scaflo@latest -e %src%/hooks
npx scaflo@latest -e %src%/hooks
bunx scaflo@latest -e %src%/hooks
yarn dlx scaflo@latest -e %src%/hooks
▸ useDebounceCallback<T
, delay?
, options?
): DebouncedState
Custom hook that creates a debounced version of a callback function.
Type parameters
Name | Type | Description |
T | extends (...args : any ) => ReturnType <T > | Type of the original callback function. |
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
func | T | undefined | The callback function to be debounced. |
delay | number | 500 | The delay in milliseconds before the callback is invoked (default is 500 milliseconds). |
options? | DebounceOptions | undefined | Options to control the behavior of the debounced function. |
A debounced version of the original callback along with control functions.
Type aliases
Ƭ ControlFunctions: Object
Functions to manage a debounced callback.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | () => void | - |
flush | () => void | - |
isPending | () => boolean | - |
Ƭ DebounceOptions: Object
Configuration options for controlling the behavior of the debounced function.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
leading? | boolean | Determines whether the function should be invoked on the leading edge of the timeout. Default ts false |
maxWait? | number | The maximum time the specified function is allowed to be delayed before it is invoked. |
trailing? | boolean | Determines whether the function should be invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout. Default ts false |
Ƭ DebouncedState<T
>: (...args
: Parameters
>) => ReturnType
> | undefined
& ControlFunctions
Represents the state and control functions of a debounced callback. Subsequent calls to the debounced function return the result of the last invocation. Note: If there are no previous invocations, the result will be undefined. Ensure proper handling in your code.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends (...args : any ) => ReturnType <T > |
import { useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from 'react'
import debounce from 'lodash.debounce'
import { useUnmount } from 'vhooks'
type DebounceOptions = {
leading?: boolean
trailing?: boolean
maxWait?: number
type ControlFunctions = {
cancel: () => void
flush: () => void
isPending: () => boolean
export type DebouncedState<T extends (...args: any) => ReturnType<T>> = ((
...args: Parameters<T>
) => ReturnType<T> | undefined) &
export function useDebounceCallback<T extends (...args: any) => ReturnType<T>>(
func: T,
delay = 500,
options?: DebounceOptions,
): DebouncedState<T> {
const debouncedFunc = useRef<ReturnType<typeof debounce>>()
useUnmount(() => {
if (debouncedFunc.current) {
const debounced = useMemo(() => {
const debouncedFuncInstance = debounce(func, delay, options)
const wrappedFunc: DebouncedState<T> = (...args: Parameters<T>) => {
return debouncedFuncInstance(...args)
wrappedFunc.cancel = () => {
wrappedFunc.isPending = () => {
return !!debouncedFunc.current
wrappedFunc.flush = () => {
return debouncedFuncInstance.flush()
return wrappedFunc
}, [func, delay, options])
// Update the debounced function ref whenever func, wait, or options change
useEffect(() => {
debouncedFunc.current = debounce(func, delay, options)
}, [func, delay, options])
return debounced