Custom hook that uses the sessionStorage API
to persist state across page reloads.
import { useSessionStorage } from 'vhooks'
export default function Component() {
const [value, setValue, removeValue] = useSessionStorage('test-key', 0)
return (
<p>Count: {value}</p>
onClick={() => {
setValue((x: number) => x + 1)
onClick={() => {
setValue((x: number) => x - 1)
onClick={() => {
pnpm dlx scaflo@latest -e %src%/hooks
npx scaflo@latest -e %src%/hooks
bunx scaflo@latest -e %src%/hooks
yarn dlx scaflo@latest -e %src%/hooks
▸ useSessionStorage<T
, initialValue
, options?
): [T
, Dispatch
>>, () => void
Custom hook that uses the sessionStorage API
to persist state across page reloads.
Type parameters
Name | Description |
T | The type of the state to be stored in session storage. |
Name | Type | Description |
key | string | The key under which the value will be stored in session storage. |
initialValue | T | () => T | The initial value of the state or a function that returns the initial value. |
options? | UseSessionStorageOptions <T > | Options for customizing the behavior of serialization and deserialization (optional). |
, Dispatch
>>, () => void
A tuple containing the stored value, a function to set the value and a function to remove the key from storage.
Type aliases
Ƭ UseSessionStorageOptions<T
>: Object
Represents the options for customizing the behavior of serialization and deserialization.
Type parameters
Name | Description |
T | The type of the state to be stored in session storage. |
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
deserializer? | (value : string ) => T | - |
initializeWithValue? | boolean | If true (default), the hook will initialize reading the session storage. In SSR, you should set it to false , returning the initial value initially. Default ts true |
serializer? | (value : T ) => string | - |
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import type { Dispatch, SetStateAction } from 'react'
import { useEventCallback, useEventListener } from 'vhooks'
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
interface WindowEventMap {
'session-storage': CustomEvent
type UseSessionStorageOptions<T> = {
serializer?: (value: T) => string
deserializer?: (value: string) => T
initializeWithValue?: boolean
const IS_SERVER = typeof window === 'undefined'
export function useSessionStorage<T>(
key: string,
initialValue: T | (() => T),
options: UseSessionStorageOptions<T> = {},
): [T, Dispatch<SetStateAction<T>>, () => void] {
const { initializeWithValue = true } = options
const serializer = useCallback<(value: T) => string>(
value => {
if (options.serializer) {
return options.serializer(value)
return JSON.stringify(value)
const deserializer = useCallback<(value: string) => T>(
value => {
if (options.deserializer) {
return options.deserializer(value)
// Support 'undefined' as a value
if (value === 'undefined') {
return undefined as unknown as T
const defaultValue =
initialValue instanceof Function ? initialValue() : initialValue
let parsed: unknown
try {
parsed = JSON.parse(value)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error parsing JSON:', error)
return defaultValue // Return initialValue if parsing fails
return parsed as T
[options, initialValue],
// Get from session storage then
// parse stored json or return initialValue
const readValue = useCallback((): T => {
const initialValueToUse =
initialValue instanceof Function ? initialValue() : initialValue
// Prevent build error "window is undefined" but keep working
if (IS_SERVER) {
return initialValueToUse
try {
const raw = window.sessionStorage.getItem(key)
return raw ? deserializer(raw) : initialValueToUse
} catch (error) {
console.warn(`Error reading sessionStorage key “${key}”:`, error)
return initialValueToUse
}, [initialValue, key, deserializer])
const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = useState(() => {
if (initializeWithValue) {
return readValue()
return initialValue instanceof Function ? initialValue() : initialValue
// Return a wrapped version of useState's setter function that ...
// ... persists the new value to sessionStorage.
const setValue: Dispatch<SetStateAction<T>> = useEventCallback(value => {
// Prevent build error "window is undefined" but keeps working
if (IS_SERVER) {
`Tried setting sessionStorage key “${key}” even though environment is not a client`,
try {
// Allow value to be a function so we have the same API as useState
const newValue = value instanceof Function ? value(readValue()) : value
// Save to session storage
window.sessionStorage.setItem(key, serializer(newValue))
// Save state
// We dispatch a custom event so every similar useSessionStorage hook is notified
window.dispatchEvent(new StorageEvent('session-storage', { key }))
} catch (error) {
console.warn(`Error setting sessionStorage key “${key}”:`, error)
const removeValue = useEventCallback(() => {
// Prevent build error "window is undefined" but keeps working
if (IS_SERVER) {
`Tried removing sessionStorage key “${key}” even though environment is not a client`,
const defaultValue =
initialValue instanceof Function ? initialValue() : initialValue
// Remove the key from session storage
// Save state with default value
// We dispatch a custom event so every similar useSessionStorage hook is notified
window.dispatchEvent(new StorageEvent('session-storage', { key }))
useEffect(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [key])
const handleStorageChange = useCallback(
(event: StorageEvent | CustomEvent) => {
if ((event as StorageEvent).key && (event as StorageEvent).key !== key) {
[key, readValue],
// this only works for other documents, not the current one
useEventListener('storage', handleStorageChange)
// this is a custom event, triggered in writeValueToSessionStorage
// See: useSessionStorage()
useEventListener('session-storage', handleStorageChange)
return [storedValue, setValue, removeValue]